May 24th - June 4th 2021
Line Art
This challenge was just before the Mother's day in France, so I did a Line Art Mother's Day card for my Mum! I mixed this Illustrator Challenge with the Premiere Challenges hosted by QueenShirin (Motion Graphics, Glitch Transitions and Stretch your content) and I added a touch of After Effects' Trim Paths as Paul showed us some months ago for the first time - that's something I really wanted to do as soon as I saw it.

Shape & SPACE
Summer is coming, oh yes!!!!
Thanks Joseph Barrient on Unsplash for the picture.

Color & VALUE
I really wanted to set a very sweet color palette salmon and turquoise.

Form & Texture
I enjoyed reproducing the Penrose's square and triangle following the Impossible Geometry inspirations that Paul shared with us at the end of the stream!

I've been loving the Repetto brand since I began ballet, that was my inspiration and a pleasure to understand how this amazing "r" is built. I'm thinking to create the full alphabet taking as a reference the Superclarendon Regular font as a reference!

This underwater scene speaks about the link between every ecosystems living on the earth. Abstract designs are the most complicated for me,
I guess it is the first I dare sharing!

I couldn't choose the color that fits the best ... I cleaned up just a little bit the image trace because I had the feeling to loose all the organic thing. I added little things like the lashes and other things I keep secret 🤐. Thanks Peter Sjo on Unsplash for the picture.

Psychedelic Poster
"Psychedelic sounds vibes Summer"
Thanks Jakob Owens on Unsplash for the picture.