Michael FUGOSO, aka Fugs and @fugstrator on IG, enchanted the Behance community during his Adobe Live streams "Bring your illustrations to life " in augmented reality using Adobe Aero.
By the end of the second stream, some of us had posted on Instagram an artwork, based on the technique he taught us, with the hashtag #GiftFuGoso. An excellent way to thank him!
I did my artwork quickly to be on time for the gift. Since then, I took Michael's SkillShare class, which I highly recommend to anyone interested by this style, and I cleaned my artwork up.
For this artwork, made ONLY for practice, I used a composition I had already seen in my Vogue Paris of February, the left page of a DIOR's advertisement. I love love love this ads, the composition is awesome.
First, I did an artwork on Illustrator.
The white lines are the ring lights, they were done with the Offset Path tool, with a negative offset. I'm not sure I got the right size of the offset and of the line. I have to improve that, in order to give more thickness to the paper.

Second, I added textures, lights and shadows on Photoshop.

Third, I exported the Ps file in Aero and increased z from 0 to 1cm, separating the layers and giving this depth effect. Then, from a vertical position I laid it down on the artbord.

Finally, I brought my illustration to life!
I took my Vogue and applied the object on the advertisement I took as a model. And here it is!!!

I also did a second artwork, made ONLY for practice too, on my own composition.
I enjoyed using the style of Michael FUGOSO as much as travelling in time to keep the original spirit of what I wanted to highlight.
I was inspired by my favorite perfume: “L’Heure Bleue” of Guerlain. I did some researches and found the first version (1910) of its packaging. There was a magnificent fountain on the label, all the packaging was silver and blue, certainly to remind the moon color during the blue hour.
This perfume is composed of iris, violet, rose, tuberose and vanilla. I used the violet flowers, they are so pretty, their shape is easily understandable in cutting paper and their color offers a good contrast with the frame.
I enjoyed using the style of Michael FUGOSO as much as travelling in time to keep the original spirit of what I wanted to highlight.
I was inspired by my favorite perfume: “L’Heure Bleue” of Guerlain. I did some researches and found the first version (1910) of its packaging. There was a magnificent fountain on the label, all the packaging was silver and blue, certainly to remind the moon color during the blue hour.
This perfume is composed of iris, violet, rose, tuberose and vanilla. I used the violet flowers, they are so pretty, their shape is easily understandable in cutting paper and their color offers a good contrast with the frame.

I would like to animate this one (the water of the fountain) before using it in augmented reality. If I succeed, I will update this project :)

If you like this Paper Pop-Up style, here are some links that could be interesting for you.
Adobe Live Streams “Bring Your Illustrations to Life with Michael FUGOSO":
Adobe Live Streams “Bring Your Illustrations to Life with Michael FUGOSO":
Stream 2
If you want to know more about Michael FUGOSO, you can watch his 2021 Adobe Max session Augmented Reality Making Your Work Pop with Illustrator and Aero
If you want to know more about Michael FUGOSO, you can watch his 2021 Adobe Max session Augmented Reality Making Your Work Pop with Illustrator and Aero